Camelot Cattle Co Fawkes 2*M V88 (VVEV)
2017 ADGA Nubian Doe
Multiple Time Top Ten Breed Leader
2017: This was a repeat breeding since the previous year we got a litter full of beautiful bucklings but we wanted a doeling to retain. Puff cooperated and gave us triplet doelings...we took full advantage and retained all of them including this beauty! Fawkes is out of our wonderful Puff, sired by Chrome. Fawkes is beautiful, correct, and has surprising width and strength throughout. She should also put on a lovely productive udder with her genetics. Can't wait to see this girl mature!
2019: Fawkes was bred to Onyx for March 2019 kids and she had beautiful triplets; two does and a buck. Her first freshening udder came in absolutely lovely with wonderful attachments and ideal teat size with nice placement. Unfortunately just a few weeks into her first lactation she somehow injured one side of her udder and lost production in that half. Even so, she still milked 9 lbs out of just that side and easily earned her milk star. She also appraised V88 (VVEV) showing Excellence in front legs and body.
2020: Fawkes was bred to GCH +*B Sweet-Spring Calvin Klein Ex91 for 2020 kids and had lovely twin doelings on March 9. Unfortunately the injured half of her udder did not come to milk as we had hoped but she is being impressively productive nevertheless, milking 11 lbs on her first 2020 test and peaking at 15 lbs. Fawkes even found herself among the breed leaders coming in as #4 in butterfat production nation-wide.
2021: Fawkes was bred to *B Camelot Cattle Co Oliver Wood and had beautiful twins on March 4. The doeling is being retained. Fawkes also found herself among the Top Ten breed leaders again in 2021 coming in as #9 for milk and #6 for protein.
2022: Fawkes was bred to *B Camelot Cattle Co Dante and had a beautiful doeling on March 20, 2022. First test of 2022 showed Fawkes milking 11.8 lbs, quickly increasing to 12.5 by second test...AND the injured side of her udder appears to be regaining function this year!
Fawkes appraised excellent in body and rump and very good in general appearance, dairy strength, mammary, head, shoulder assembly, rear legs and back with a final score of V88 (VVEV).
Fawkes found herself in the Top Ten Breed Leader lists again this year coming in #8 for protein.
2023: Unfortunately Fawkes absorbed her pregnancy this year some time after confirming it so she will be taking this year off of milking.
2024: Fawkes showed no outward signs of any issues since losing her pregnancy last year but she wouldn't settle this year. She has since been treated with our vet's protocol for a mild uterine infection and she did breed this fall, confirmed by blood test.
2025 reserved kid price: $1500 - please check our Breeding Plans to see which buck she is bred to.