October at Camelot Cattle Co
In : Monthly Post
Tags: october jerseys nubians goats cows camelot cattle company
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Posted by Michelle DeLong on February 9, 2020
January was, in a word, muddy...at least when the mud wasn't frozen solid. Marc and I have basically just been slogging and slipping through trying to keep everyone happy and healthy and prepare for March when we are expecting an explosion of goat babies and a number of Jersey babies as well.
You know what gets me through some of these days when I'm either breaking ice or fighting to keep the mud from sucking the boots right off my feet? Food. Yes, some days just thinking about getting back inside out of the weather with some comfort food is what keeps me going. I don't know about you but I love yogurt and I go through a LOT of it! It is easier than you would think to make your own yogurt at home so here is a recipe if you want to give it a try:
I strain to a Greek style consistency and eat it plain but it can be sweetened or flavored any way you like. It is delicious with all kinds of fruit as a dip, in smoothies, on cookies, and even as a dressing for salads, baked potatoes, etc. It is truly a versatile food that I, personally, can not do without!
In closing, here is a frosty morning photo of me and my sweet Olaf. God bless!
Nutritious (and delicious) Hot Cocoa!
In a small bowl, combine cacao powder, honey and vanilla. Stir until it makes a paste. This helps break up any lumps. You can gently warm the honey to make mixing easier if needed. Gently warm the milk to desired temperature. Add the cacao mixture to the warm milk; stir until cacao mixture has completely dissolved. This makes enough hot cocoa for two jumbo mugs or four regular mugs but the recipe is easily doubled if you want to make more!
Optional Add-Ins:
Cinnamon: About ¼ teaspoon adds just a little extra spice to your hot cocoa.
Sea Salt: Just a pinch will add a bit of a savory note to the sweet and adds extra nutrients and minerals. We like pink Himalayan sea salt.
Whipped Cream: Pour some cream off the top of your fresh Jersey milk and whip it up for the perfect hot cocoa garnish.
Butter: Pour some cream off the top of your fresh Jersey milk, let it warm to about 60 degrees and then shake/churn it into butter. Add about 1 tablespoon and then blend for extra creamy rich hot cocoa.
October was a busy month for us! We started the month with a mess in the store as I’m sure many of you have noticed. However, now we will have a reliable source of heat for the store as our new fireplace is fully installed and ready for colder weather (although that can still wait a while; we are in no hurry to be breaking ice for all the livestock)!
We also have gotten all of the 11 does we needed bred this year bred for new bundles of joy in the spring. We will have kids sired by 4 different bucks including our new guy all the way from the west coast and boy, are we looking forward to seeing what we get! We have never had so many does kidding at once…considering our does typically have triplets and sometimes quads, we may be drowning in goat kids come March!
We had one Jersey calf born in October out of the cow we call Monkey. She was overdue several days but finally had her calf just before Halloween. We bred a couple of Jerseys this month as well so we have adorable little Jersey sweethearts to look forward to next summer.
I have also been pretty busy in my art studio so you may
start seeing some more of my art pieces in the store. The few that have been in
there from the time we opened are the style I have been doing all my life:
photorealism. I have been expanding to include more abstract, whimsical and
composite art as well. There isn’t nearly enough wall space to display it all so
I’m working on some way to make all that is available view-able to those
interested. If anyone has ideas, feel free to shoot them my way!
You may have also noticed that we now have local, raw honey available in the store. This is from Marc's kinfolk, Brian and Monica Crouch. It is completely separate from our business so be sure if you purchase their delicious 'Bee Spit' that the honey money gets put in their honey can. I can testify that it is yummy stuff and it is what I use in my soaps that include honey, like the popular Honey Oatmeal and Luxury Facial goat milk soaps.
Now, on to November! J
In : Monthly Post